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1 910 byte rimossi ,  23:20, 19 ott 2020
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local value = {};
-- Generated @ 0920/0710/2020 01:20:03:2622 = 'Meltan';
{ game = 'Let\'s GO Pikachu', entry = 'Il suo corpo è composto di acciaio liquefatto. Scioglie il ferro e altri metalli presenti nel sottosuolo per assorbirli.', form = nil },
{ game = 'Let\'s GO Eevee', entry = 'Il suo corpo è composto di acciaio liquefatto. Scioglie il ferro e altri metalli presenti nel sottosuolo per assorbirli.', form = nil },
{ game = 'Scudo', entry = 'Vive in gruppo, ma quando giunge il momento l’esemplare più forte ingloba i compagni e si evolve.', form = nil },
{ game = 'Spada', entry = 'Fonde il metallo per cibarsene, e lo fa circolare nel suo corpo per produrre energia.', form = nil },
value.basicPokemonInfo = { weight = 8, height = 0.2, color = nil, shape = nil, footprint = nil, male = 0, female = 0, catchRate = 0, catchRateValue = 3 };
}, cycles = 120, stepRangeMin = 30584, stepRangeMax = 30840 }, evs = { hp = 0, atk = 1, def = 0, spa = 0, spd = 0, spe = 0 } };
value.levelMoves = { firstGen = nil, secondGen = nil, thirdGen = nil, fourthGen = nil, fifthGen = nil, sixthGen = nil, seventhGen = nil, eighthGen = {
{ level = 1, name = 'Tuonoshock', power = 40, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Speciale', pp = 30, maxPP = 48, moveType = 'Elettro', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ level = 1, name = 'Rafforzatore', power = nil, accuracy = nil, criticalHit = 0, category = 'Stato', pp = 30, maxPP = 48, moveType = 'Normale', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ level = 1, name = 'Tuonoshock', power = 40, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Speciale', pp = 30, maxPP = 48, moveType = 'Elettro', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ level = 8, name = 'Colpocoda', power = nil, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 0, category = 'Stato', pp = 30, maxPP = 48, moveType = 'Normale', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ level = 16, name = 'Bottintesta', power = 70, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 15, maxPP = 24, moveType = 'Normale', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ machineName = 'DT52', name = 'Vortexpalla', power = 0, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 5, maxPP = 8, moveType = 'Acciaio', stab = false, generation = '8' },
} };
value.breedMoves = { firstGen = nil, secondGen = nil, thirdGen = nil, fourthGen = nil, fifthGen = nil, sixthGen = nil, seventhGen = nil, eighthGen = { { name = 'Tuononda', power = nil, accuracy = 90, criticalHit = 0, category = 'Stato', pp = 20, maxPP = 32, moveType = 'Elettro', stab = false, generation = '8' }, { name = 'Cannonflash', power = 80, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Speciale', pp = 10, maxPP = 16, moveType = 'Acciaio', stab = true, generation = '8' }, { name = 'Riposo', power = nil, accuracy = nil, criticalHit = 0, category = 'Stato', pp = 10, maxPP = 16, moveType = 'Psico', stab = false, generation = '8' }, { name = 'Russare', power = 50, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Speciale', pp = 15, maxPP = 24, moveType = 'Normale', stab = false, generation = '8' }, { name = 'Protezione', power = nil, accuracy = nil, criticalHit = 0, category = 'Stato', pp = 10, maxPP = 16, moveType = 'Normale', stab = false, generation = '8' }, { name = 'Facciata', power = 70, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 20, maxPP = 32, moveType = 'Normale', stab = false, generation = '8' }, { name = 'Coro', power = 60, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Speciale', pp = 15, maxPP = 24, moveType = 'Normale', stab = false, generation = '8' }, { name = 'Fulmine', power = 90, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Speciale', pp = 15, maxPP = 24, moveType = 'Elettro', stab = false, generation = '8' }, { name = 'Sostituto', power = nil, accuracy = nil, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Stato', pp = 10, maxPP = 16, moveType = 'Normale', stab = false, generation = '8' }, { name = 'Resistenza', power = nil, accuracy = nil, criticalHit = 0, category = 'Stato', pp = 10, maxPP = 16, moveType = 'Normale', stab = false, generation = '8' }, { name = 'Sonnolalia', power = nil, accuracy = nil, criticalHit = 0, category = 'Stato', pp = 10, maxPP = 16, moveType = 'Normale', stab = false, generation = '8' }, { name = 'Ferroscudo', power = nil, accuracy = nil, criticalHit = 0, category = 'Stato', pp = 15, maxPP = 24, moveType = 'Acciaio', stab = false, generation = '8' }, { name = 'Vortexpalla', power = 0, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 5, maxPP = 8, moveType = 'Acciaio', stab = false, generation = '8' }, } };
value.tutorMoves = { firstGen = nil, secondGen = nil, thirdGen = nil, fourthGen = nil, fifthGen = nil, sixthGen = nil, seventhGen = nil, eighthGen = nil };
value.evolutions = {
Bot, Moderators, steward
20 862


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