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Nessun cambiamento nella dimensione ,  23:20, 19 ott 2020
nessun oggetto della modifica
local value = {};
-- Generated @ 0520/0710/2020 1901:5120:3033 = 'Skwovet';
{ level = 5, name = 'Morso', power = 60, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 25, maxPP = 40, moveType = 'Buio', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ level = 10, name = 'Riempiguance', power = nil, accuracy = nil, criticalHit = 0, category = 'Stato', pp = 10, maxPP = 16, moveType = 'Normale', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ level = 15, name = 'Sfoghenergia', power = 0, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Speciale', pp = 10, maxPP = 16, moveType = 'Normale', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ level = 15, name = 'Accumulo', power = nil, accuracy = nil, criticalHit = 0, category = 'Stato', pp = 20, maxPP = 32, moveType = 'Normale', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ level = 15, name = 'Introenergia', power = nil, accuracy = nil, criticalHit = 0, category = 'Stato', pp = 10, maxPP = 16, moveType = 'Normale', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ level = 15, name = 'Sfoghenergia', power = 0, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Speciale', pp = 10, maxPP = 16, moveType = 'Normale', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ level = 20, name = 'Corposcontro', power = 85, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 15, maxPP = 24, moveType = 'Normale', stab = true, generation = '8' },
{ level = 25, name = 'Riposo', power = nil, accuracy = nil, criticalHit = 0, category = 'Stato', pp = 10, maxPP = 16, moveType = 'Psico', stab = false, generation = '8' },
} };
value.breedMoves = { firstGen = nil, secondGen = nil, thirdGen = nil, fourthGen = nil, fifthGen = nil, sixthGen = nil, seventhGen = nil, eighthGen = {
{ name = 'PanciamburoRotolamento', power = nil30, accuracy = nil90, criticalHit = 04.17, category = 'StatoFisico', pp = 1020, maxPP = 1632, moveType = 'NormaleRoccia', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ name = 'Ricciolscudo', power = nil, accuracy = nil, criticalHit = 0, category = 'Stato', pp = 40, maxPP = 64, moveType = 'Normale', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ name = 'Ultimascelta', power = 140, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 5, maxPP = 8, moveType = 'Normale', stab = true, generation = '8' },
{ name = 'RotolamentoPanciamburo', power = 30nil, accuracy = 90nil, criticalHit = 4.170, category = 'FisicoStato', pp = 2010, maxPP = 3216, moveType = 'RocciaNormale', stab = false, generation = '8' },
} };
value.tutorMoves = { firstGen = nil, secondGen = nil, thirdGen = nil, fourthGen = nil, fifthGen = nil, sixthGen = nil, seventhGen = nil, eighthGen = nil };
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