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local value = {};
-- Generated @ 0520/0710/2020 1901:5120:3848 = 'Drednaw';
}, cycles = 20, stepRangeMin = 4884, stepRangeMax = 5140 }, evs = { hp = 0, atk = 2, def = 0, spa = 0, spd = 0, spe = 0 } };
value.levelMoves = { firstGen = nil, secondGen = nil, thirdGen = nil, fourthGen = nil, fifthGen = nil, sixthGen = nil, seventhGen = nil, eighthGen = {
{ level = 0, name = 'Rocciotomba', power = 60, accuracy = 95, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 15, maxPP = 24, moveType = 'Roccia', stab = true, generation = '8' }, { level = 1, name = 'MorsoRocciotomba', power = 60, accuracy = 10095, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 15, maxPP = 24, moveType = 'Roccia', stab = true, generation = '8' }, { level = 1, name = 'Conchilama', power = 75, accuracy = 95, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 2510, maxPP = 4016, moveType = 'BuioAcqua', stab = falsetrue, generation = '8' },
{ level = 1, name = 'Sgranocchio', power = 80, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 15, maxPP = 24, moveType = 'Buio', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ level = 1, name = 'Protezione', power = nil, accuracy = nil, criticalHit = 0, category = 'Stato', pp = 10, maxPP = 16, moveType = 'Normale', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ level = 1, name = 'Conchilama', power = 75, accuracy = 95, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 10, maxPP = 16, moveType = 'Acqua', stab = true, generation = '8' },
{ level = 1, name = 'Lucidatura', power = nil, accuracy = nil, criticalHit = 0, category = 'Stato', pp = 20, maxPP = 32, moveType = 'Roccia', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ level = 1, name = 'Rocciotomba', power = 60, accuracy = 95, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 15, maxPP = 24, moveType = 'Roccia', stab = true, generation = '8' },
{ level = 66, name = 'Rocciotomba', power = 60, accuracy = 95, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 15, maxPP = 24, moveType = 'Roccia', stab = true, generation = '8' },
{ level = 1, name = 'Azione', power = 40, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 35, maxPP = 56, moveType = 'Normale', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ level = 1, name = 'Pistolacqua', power = 40, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Speciale', pp = 25, maxPP = 40, moveType = 'Acqua', stab = true, generation = '8' },
{ level = 1, name = 'Morso', power = 60, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 25, maxPP = 40, moveType = 'Buio', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ level = 1, name = 'Protezione', power = nil, accuracy = nil, criticalHit = 0, category = 'Stato', pp = 10, maxPP = 16, moveType = 'Normale', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ level = 21, name = 'Bottintesta', power = 70, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 15, maxPP = 24, moveType = 'Normale', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ level = 30, name = 'Contrattacco', power = 0, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 20, maxPP = 32, moveType = 'Lotta', stab = false, generation = '8' },
} };
value.machineMoves = { firstGen = nil, secondGen = nil, thirdGen = nil, fourthGen = nil, fifthGen = nil, sixthGen = nil, seventhGen = nil, eighthGen = {
{ machineName = 'MT48', name = 'Rocciotomba', power = 60, accuracy = 95, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 15, maxPP = 24, moveType = 'Roccia', stab = true, generation = '8' },
{ machineName = 'MT83', name = 'Conchilama', power = 75, accuracy = 95, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 10, maxPP = 16, moveType = 'Acqua', stab = true, generation = '8' },
{ machineName = 'DT32', name = 'Sgranocchio', power = 80, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 15, maxPP = 24, moveType = 'Buio', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ machineName = 'MT25', name = 'Protezione', power = nil, accuracy = nil, criticalHit = 0, category = 'Stato', pp = 10, maxPP = 16, moveType = 'Normale', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ machineName = 'MT83', name = 'Conchilama', power = 75, accuracy = 95, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 10, maxPP = 16, moveType = 'Acqua', stab = true, generation = '8' },
{ machineName = 'MT48', name = 'Rocciotomba', power = 60, accuracy = 95, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 15, maxPP = 24, moveType = 'Roccia', stab = true, generation = '8' },
{ machineName = 'DT98', name = 'Idrobreccia', power = 85, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 10, maxPP = 16, moveType = 'Acqua', stab = true, generation = '8' },
{ machineName = 'DT01', name = 'Corposcontro', power = 85, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 15, maxPP = 24, moveType = 'Normale', stab = false, generation = '8' },
{ machineName = 'DT99', name = 'Schiacciacorpo', power = 80, accuracy = 100, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 10, maxPP = 16, moveType = 'Lotta', stab = false, generation = '8' },
} };
value.breedMoves = { firstGen = nil, secondGen = nil, thirdGen = nil, fourthGen = nil, fifthGen = nil, sixthGen = nil, seventhGen = nil, eighthGen = nil };value.tutorMoves = { firstGen = nil, secondGen = nil, thirdGen = nil, fourthGen = nil, fifthGen = nil, sixthGen = nil, seventhGen = nil, eighthGen = { { tutorName = nil, name = 'CodadragoStrisciacolpo', power = 6070, accuracy = 90, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'FisicoSpeciale', pp = 10, maxPP = 16, moveType = 'DragoColeottero', stab = false, generation = '8' }, { tutorName = nil, name = 'GastroacidoRaggiometeora', power = nil120, accuracy = 10090, criticalHit = 04.17, category = 'StatoSpeciale', pp = 10, maxPP = 16, moveType = 'VelenoRoccia', stab = falsetrue, generation = '8' }, { tutorName = nil, name = 'CapocciataSquamacolpo', power = 13025, accuracy = 10090, criticalHit = 4.17, category = 'Fisico', pp = 1020, maxPP = 1632, moveType = 'NormaleDrago', stab = false, generation = '8' },
} };
value.tutorMoves = { firstGen = nil, secondGen = nil, thirdGen = nil, fourthGen = nil, fifthGen = nil, sixthGen = nil, seventhGen = nil, eighthGen = nil };
value.evolutions = {
{ stages = 2, firstStageName = 'Chewtle', firstStageDexNumber = '833', firstStageFormName = nil, firstStageTypes = { primary = 'Acqua', secondary = nil }, firstEvolutionMethod = { id = 1, detail = '22', condition = nil }, secondStageName = 'Drednaw', secondStageDexNumber = '834', secondStageFormName = nil, secondStageTypes = { primary = 'Acqua', secondary = 'Roccia' }, secondEvolutionMethod = { }
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