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nessun oggetto della modifica
local value = {};
-- Generated @ 11/0711/2020 1700:5445:3459 = 'Bagon';
}, eighthGen = nil };
value.evolutions = {
{ stages = 23, firstStageName = 'Bagon', firstStageDexNumber = '371', firstStageFormName = nil, firstStageTypes = { primary = 'Drago', secondary = nil }, firstEvolutionMethod = { id = 1, detail = '30', condition = nil }, secondStageName = 'Shelgon', secondStageDexNumber = '372', secondStageFormName = nil, secondStageTypes = { primary = 'Drago', secondary = nil }, secondEvolutionMethod = { id = 1, detail = '50', condition = nil }, thirdStageName = nil'Salamence', thirdStageDexNumber = nil'373', thirdStageFormName = nil, thirdStageTypes = { primary = 'Drago', secondary = 'Volante' } },
value.statistics = { hp = { baseValue = 45, minLv50 = 105, maxLv50 = 152, minLv100 = 200, maxLv100 = 294 }, atk = { baseValue = 75, minLv50 = 72, maxLv50 = 139, minLv100 = 139, maxLv100 = 273 }, def = { baseValue = 60, minLv50 = 58, maxLv50 = 123, minLv100 = 112, maxLv100 = 240 }, spa = { baseValue = 40, minLv50 = 40, maxLv50 = 101, minLv100 = 76, maxLv100 = 196 }, spd = { baseValue = 30, minLv50 = 31, maxLv50 = 90, minLv100 = 58, maxLv100 = 174 }, spe = { baseValue = 50, minLv50 = 49, maxLv50 = 112, minLv100 = 94, maxLv100 = 218 } };
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